Hindu Scale - searching for a new sound

 Also known as mixolydiun b6, the Hindu scale is an exotic scaleIn traditional Indian music it is called Raga Charukeshi

To find this scale just take a Natural Minor scale and increase halftone in minor third:

let's also check the formula:

and so, we have a Major Aeolian mode (yes, this is very strange because aeolian is a minor mode, but ok). Or too, Aeolian Dominant, as we have an A7 tetrad as the first chord, a dominant chord:

now, let's learn the shape of Hindu scale:

we can also try on a shape with three notes per string:

The Hindu Scale is also known as mixolydian b6 because is the 5th mode of the melodic minor scale. check below the modes of D melodic minor,  the A mixolydian b6 is the 5th:

now, let's learn the chords we have to create a harmony. First, the triads:

and now, the Tetrads:

Are the same chords of D melodic minor

OK, now just record the chords and play the scale to hear the Indian sound in its composition.

You can check my song "Eternal Paradise" and hear the Hindu Scale on final solo:

#hinduscale #mixolydianb6 #exoticscales #guitar #guitartheory #guitarscales